About Us
Welcome to Discover On My Way!
Discover is an opportunities portal for youth to explore and develop their interests across their different life stages. Through a combination of accessible content and interactive programmes, delivered in collaboration with the National Youth Council and our trusted partners, Discover helps our youth broaden horizons, expand possibilities, and equip for the future.
We understand that youth needs change across life stages and that is why we have curated sub-sites, each tailored to address a specific need.
Our first Discover sub-site, Discover On My Way (DOMW), helps youth discover their education and career interests as they chart their personal and professional futures. DOMW is a significant upgrade from the existing OMW platform including a user-friendly dashboard, an innovative “Worlds” concept that helps users find deeper meaning in careers, and a personalised recommendation engine that provides targeted recommendations.
Discover is owned and managed by the National Youth Council.

Whether you are a Secondary school student starting to think about your education pathway or a tertiary student considering alternative options in the workforce, Discover On My Way can help expand your possibilities without overwhelming you with too much information. Our job infographics only focus on entry-level jobs with simplified job descriptions. Don’t understand the different industries? Why not think about what kind of personal impact you want to have through Explore Worlds? Check out our Day in the Life videos for a #nofilter look into the different jobs. Bookmark your interests and let Discover show you new insights about yourself in My Discoveries.

Parents & Teachers
We know it can be challenging to talk about jobs and industries with which you may have limited experience. Discover On My Way is a wonderful tool to share with your budding talents who may be feeling a little lost. Our platform is culmination of extensive user research and youth co-creation, for the optimal balance of information and appeal. We have further enhanced it with valuable inputs from our trusted partners The Astronauts Collective and Bold At Work, who have a wealth of experience in education and career discovery.

Potential Partners
We believe in working with like-minded partners to support our youths through a whole-of-society effort. If you have content suggestions, programmes to feature or ideas on collaboration, let’s have a chat. Together, we can help our youths discover greater possibilities for themselves.