Welcome to Discover On My Way! We welcome feedback to improve your user experience further. #AlwaysInBeta

Hi !

Profile information

These fields are taken from your Singpass profile.
Retrieve Myinfo with singpass
Full name
Last 4 digits of NRIC
Birth date
Residential status
Email address
Mobile number
Postal code
User ID

Contact information

We will only use this information to contact you about programmes you have registered for.
Preferred email address
Please provide an email address.
Preferred mobile number
Please enter 8-digit mobile number, without SG country code.

Education information

This information helps us to develop relevant programmes for all youth.
Current occupational status
Current occupational status is required
Current educational institution
Field of study
Highest education attained
Highest education is required
{{vEnableEditing ? vIsOtherHighestEdu ? 'Please provide more details' : vComputedValueHighEdu : vMySingpass.highestEdu}}
Relevant institution is required and limited to 256 characters

My interests

This information helps us serve you relevant content
Areas of interest
Areas of interest is required
Community service causes
Community service causes is required

In-site notification preferences

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I want to receive notifications to new content and programmes!
I want to receive notifications to new content and programmes!

Email marketing preferences

Join NYC’s mailing list for exclusive updates on programmes, stories and opportunities beyond this site! Content from Youth Corps & Outward Bound Singapore are included too.
Yes! I would like to receive direct marketing materials from NYC that are aligned with my areas of interest.
I do not wish to receive any direct marketing materials from NYC and might miss out on useful resources that are aligned with my areas of interest.
Yes! I would like to receive direct marketing materials from NYC that are aligned with my areas of interest.
I do not wish to receive any direct marketing materials from NYC and might miss out on useful resources that are aligned with my areas of interest.
Email marketing preferences is required