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Figure out what to study or future career goals with On My Way

Learn about the different jobs and industries, connect with schooling seniors and industry professionals and get a taster of various job roles.

Explore Worlds

It’s fine if you don’t know what you want to be yet and find it overwhelming to browse through hundreds of jobs. Instead, think about about what sort of world you want to contribute to, and learn about how you can contribute through a wide variety of opportunities!

Explore Worlds

It’s fine if you don’t know what you want to be yet and find it overwhelming to browse through hundreds of jobs. Instead, think about about what sort of world you want to contribute to, and learn about how you can contribute through a wide variety of opportunities!

Explore Worlds

Explore Industries

Explore Industries

Want to learn about the different types of industries in Singapore, and if they interest you? Get to know the key facts, industry trends, and wide range of careers in each industry - there’s something for everyone.

Explore Industries

Explore a Day in the Life

Explore Videos

Prefer to watch videos? We take you into the lives of different professionals and give you a glimpse of their jobs and what it entails.

Engage and Experience

Explore Upcoming Programmes

Our professionals and seniors are here to help you gain a better idea of your dream career or school through a wide range of programmes!

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Explore Past Programmes

Don’t say we bojio! Head to the Past Programmes tab to view programme recordings, key takeaways, and answered questions.

Explore Past Programmes