Animal Behaviourist


Animal Behaviourists study how animals act to figure out what triggers those behaviours and what conditions can help them improve. They observe and analyse animal interactions and responses within various contexts.

Animal Behaviourist Job Description
  • Apply scientific animal behaviour concepts when studying how animals interact with one another and their surroundings.
  • Research on an animal's coping mechanisms, instinctual responses, learning techniques, Psychology, and group interaction abilities.
  • Compile a case report to figure out how an animal's behaviour arose.
  • Determine if the animal's behaviour is natural or if it is the product of a prior traumatic encounter.
  • Suggest recovery options like conditioning, behaviour therapy, and training.


In academia, Animal Behaviourists can give lectures to students, supervise lab practices, and publish their own studies. They can also work with other researchers and travel to study animals in the wild.
What you should know about Animal Behaviourist jobs in Singapore
Nature of Work

Nature of Work

As Animal Behaviourists, you will work and train domestic animals and assist with the adjustment of their behavioural problems.
Key Advice

Key Advice

Always stay patient and empathetic; animals will react based on instinct if they feel threatened. Understanding animal signals is key to your success.
  • Entry Requirements
    Entry Requirements
    • A bachelor's degree for entry-level positions in the field is required. Bachelor's degree programmes in Animal Behaviour are preferred, but you may also choose to major in broader fields of Life Science, such as Zoology, Biology or Ecology.
    • Master’s or doctorate in Animal Behavior or a related field for advanced positions are recommended.
    • Relevant work experience with animals, such as volunteering or internships, can help improve your employability.
    • Certification from a recognised Animal Behaviour organisation may be beneficial.
  • Possible Pathway
    Possible Pathway
    276Animal Behaviourist
Skills you need to pursue an Animal Behaviourist career in Singapore
Hard Skills icon Hard Skills

Observation Skills

Keen eye for detail, to notice subtle behavioural changes in the animals.


Familiarity with multiple types of animals, their functions, ecosystems, and how they interact with each other.

Knowledge of Animals

Deep understanding of animal behaviour, their needs and how to care for them.
Soft Skills icon Soft Skills

Critical Thinking

Analytical when scrutinising problems and innovative when coming up with logical and accurate conclusions.


Aptitude for finding effective solutions to ever-changing challenges.

Interpersonal Skills

Ability to effectively communicate and interact with other Researchers and stakeholders.
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
  • Can Animal Behaviourists specialise in a specific type of animal?
    Yes! Animal Behaviourists usually specialise in a specific type of animal. This includes large animals, wild animals, livestock or household pets. They may also focus on certain types of behaviour, like hunting, mating or raising offspring.
  • What is the work environment like for Animal Behaviourists?
    Animal Behaviourists help pet and livestock owners better understand and care for their animals in a variety of settings. These settings include universities and research facilities, zoos, animal training facilities, animal shelters, pet product companies, animal welfare organisations and private practice.
  • What types of treatment approaches do Animal Behaviourists typically use?
    The study of animal behaviour encompasses three fundamental methods: observational, experimental and comparative. Observational methods involve observing the organism and its environment without manipulation, while experimental methods manipulate a variable to examine its impact on behaviour.

    Meanwhile, comparative methods utilise phylogeny to demonstrate ancestral relationships.
  • How do Animal Behaviourists gather information about the animal's behaviour and history?
    Some key approaches Animal Behaviourists use include direct observations, such as closely monitoring an animal for a set period, and indirect methods such as interviews and surveys to gather information from caregivers.
  • What do Animal Behaviourists compile in a case report for an animal's behaviour?
    Animal Behaviourists compile a variety of information. Some of that includes why the animal is brought to the Animal Behaviourist, the animal's history, the their observations, functional analysis, diagnosis, treatment plan, prognosis and a plan for any follow-up consultations.

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