Social Workers help people through difficult issues and situations, by counselling and connecting them to appropriate professionals and programmes.
Social Worker Job Description
- Schedule and conduct sessions with clients to build rapport, and identify client needs and goals.
- Conduct case and care planning with a goal setting.
- Record details of sessions and write reports capturing key information and progress updates.
- Connect clients to resources such as financial assistance and housing.
- Reach out to people who may benefit from the programmes available.
- Manage and develop appropriate care plans for treatment or counselling for clients.
It is important for Social Workers to take care of their own mental and physical health, as the job is draining and often causes stress and burnout.
What you should know

Nature of Work
Social work is a commitment, not volunteer work; you’ll get involved in extensive follow-up and managing interpersonal and family dynamics.
Key Advice
As Social Workers, you must be open, understanding, non-judgmental, and cautious in your actions, as missteps can lead to consequences.-
Entry RequirementsEntry Requirements
- Minimally, a bachelor's degree in Social Work, Psychology or Sociology is required.
- Alternatively, Nitec holders start work as Social Service Assistants, while diploma holders start as Social Work Associates.
- You can start by interning in or volunteering at different agencies, working with people from different age groups and backgrounds. This will help you figure out what you want to specialise in and build your contacts from there.
Possible PathwayPossible Pathway
Skills you need to pursue a Social Worker career in Singapore

Professional Consultation
Ability to provide expert advice based on Social Work theories and practices.Case and Care Planning
Skill in developing personalised care plans by assessing clients' needs.Casework Intervention
Proficiency in applying Social Work methods to assist and support clients.
Essential for effective information exchange and client understanding.Interpersonal Skills
Vital for building trust and rapport with clients.Service Orientation
A commitment to help and support others, especially those in challenging situations.
“We also want to enable our clients to be capable of doing things on their own.”
Isaac Teo, Social Worker
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