

Traders perform market trend analysis to determine the optimal investment strategies for clients. They also help to buy and sell orders of financial securities on behalf of their clients.

Trader Job Description
  • Develop trading strategies that enhance the organisation's financial gain.
  • Research and keep up-to-date on financial instruments and relevant sectors by staying current on market trends, economic data, and industry developments across relevant sectors.
  • Conduct pre-trade analysis and verifications on financial instruments and report findings.
  • Execute trades and financial transactions efficiently and precisely, using the organisation's capital.
  • Ensure that the trades performed follow the organisation's policies and local trading regulations.


There are optimal timings to trade, especially for Forex! It is important to know these timings so you do not have to spend hours staring at the charts - only to reap minimal gains!

A day in the life



As Traders, Desmond and his team monitor charts, analyse the market and the news to make informed decisions on trades.
What you should know about Trader jobs in Singapore
Nature of Work

Nature of Work

Being a Trader requires a lot of time and effort, you must be prepared to work long hours.
Key Advice

Key Advice

You must focus in a chaotic and fast-moving environment! You must be disciplined, staying calm during upsetting market developments.
  • Entry Requirements
    Entry Requirements
    • A bachelor's degree, ideally in Business, Economics, Finance, or other quantitative majors such as Mathematics, Physics or Engineering.
    • It is good to start learning and fostering an interest in Trading and Global Financial Markets! Stay curious!
  • Possible Pathway
    Possible Pathway
Skills you need to pursue a Trader career in Singapore
Hard Skills icon Hard Skills

Price Verification

Ability to accurately assess and verify trading prices to ensure fair market transactions.

Profit Analysis

Adept in evaluating trading activities to determine profitability and conduct financial assessments.

Data Analytics

Proficiency in analysing market data to make informed trading decisions.

Awareness of Financial Risks

Understanding potential financial risks and the ability to manage and mitigate them effectively.
Soft Skills icon Soft Skills

Decision Making

Capability to make quick, effective decisions in a fast-paced trading environment.


Adept at interpreting complex market information and trends to form clear, actionable insights.

Innovative Problem Solving

Creativity and innovation in solving trading-related problems and overcoming market challenges.

Emotional Resilience

Maintaining composure and thinking clearly to execute trading decisions effectively under high pressure.
“I believe peak performance requires stress, the stress plus rest equals to progress.”
Desmond Leong, CEO & Founder of Everest Fortune Group & The Forex Army
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
  • Do Traders have a stressful job?
    Just like many jobs in the finance industry, it can be stressful. Due to the uncertainty of the stock market, Traders have to work in a fast-paced environment to execute real-time trades. This will require them to think on their feet, which may be tough. 
  • Do Traders have long working hours?
    Traders can only execute trades when the stock market is open, which is generally from 9am-5pm depending on the country's stock market. So if they are trading in a different market, the working hours may also be different.
  • How do Traders make decisions on when to buy or sell assets?
    An example of a common method includes Fundamental Analysis, where Traders analyse the factors that can affect an asset's value. They make buy or sell decisions based on whether they believe the asset is under or overvalued.
  • What is the role of risk management in Trading?
    The role of risk management in Trading is to help Traders identify, assess, and mitigate potential risks associated with their Trading activities.
  • Are Traders compensated based on commission, salary, or a combination?
    The compensation structure for Traders can vary depending on the specific firm and industry. However it is common for Traders to have a combination of both commission and salary.

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