Learn about the different causes

Special needs
Many families face stigma and judgment, limiting their participation in community life. Every individual deserves to live a life without judgement and insensitive treatment. By educating ourselves and fostering empathy, we can help build a more inclusive and supportive society for all.
70% of PWIDs in our community are not employed

Insensitive treatment
1 in 3 parents of children with special needs reported hearing insensitive remarks made by adults and other children about their child.
4 in 10 parents felt that their child should be spending more time in the community, but about one-third of this group then said that the feeling of being judged hinders them from spending more time in public places and community spaces.

Low employment rate
It was estimated that there were around 32,000 PwDs of working age of between 15 – 64. Of these, 30.1% are employed.
It means that about 70% are not employed. Most of them cited poor health or disability as the main reason for not being in the labour force.

Need for inclusivity
A survey by the Lien Foundation in 2016 found that while 7 out of 10 Singaporeans support the idea of inclusion, only 3 in 10 agree that Singapore is an inclusive society for children with special needs.
Additionally, only 1 in 10 Singaporeans expressed confidence in interacting with children with special needs. It is important to educate ourselves and take that step in interacting with individuals with special needs to foster a more compassionate and inclusive community.
You can make a difference
Tips to be more inclusive towards persons with special needs

Be respectful
Be patient
Ask before offering help
Listen actively
Focus on abilities, not limitations
Take initiative to learn about different disabilities and characteristics